About me
As the son of a childminder, I was fascinated by meeting people from a very young age. Today, encountering people as my profession fills me with great gratitude and joy.
Accompanying people on their journey means constant experience and development for me as well. The encounter with you is important to me and represents the centre of my work.
Apart from my work, I like spending a lot of time in the mountains, where I enjoy skiing or marvelling at nature during a peaceful walk.
When I'm not outside, I spend my time doing yoga or enjoying a good meal, often home-cooked.
Waldorf School in Graz
Bachelor's degree in Sociology in Graz
Psychotherapeutic propaedeutic (preparatory) course ARGE Vienna
Specialised course in Systemic Family Therapy ÖAS Vienna
Current employment and career path
Psychotherapist in an independent practice
Employed as a psychotherapist in the association "Therapiesalon im Wald". There, I lead group therapies, provide individual counselling and spend time in nature together with the clients.
Männerberatung Wien (Men’s counselling Vienna): Counselling for men in the context of violence
Verein für Integrationshilfe (Association for social integration): Counselling centre and residential accomodation for ex-prisoners
Civilian service in a refugee home for underage refugees, Caritas Graz
ÖAS Membership – Austrian Consortium for Systemic Therapy and Systemic Studies
Therapiesalon im Wald – non-profit association for the prevention and treatment of psychosomatic illnesses.